Posts written by MrJchnusa78

view post Posted: 8/5/2012, 10:57 Important Notification Regarding Your Atari Account - Domande & Consigli
io non ho più accesso sto resettando tutto finche sono in tempo
spero non abbiano toccato gli attari token o che ne abbiano aggiunto a dismisura :asd:
view post Posted: 8/5/2012, 10:52 login fallito? - Domande & Consigli
a me no
non va devo resettare la password -.-
view post Posted: 8/5/2012, 10:46 Important Notification Regarding Your Atari Account - Domande & Consigli
eh... anche il mio inglese non è bello
pare comunque che abbiano violato gli account di Cryptic Studios’ ed i database ed invitano a resettare la password :S
view post Posted: 8/5/2012, 09:02 Important Notification Regarding Your Atari Account - Domande & Consigli
Buon giorno a tutto il popolo di Ibiza e delle Hawaii!

Ho ricevuto oggi questa simpatica e-mail.... a voi è arrivata?

Atari recently learned of a potential security violation in connection with the unauthorized access to Cryptic Studios’ user databases that occurred in December 2010. At that time, Atari owned Cryptic and the intrusion may have affected users on Atari’s databases as well and, therefore, we are taking proactive measures to correct the issue. This includes notifying certain users who are registered on and (Test Drive Unlimited 2).
As a precaution, on and, we have reset all accounts for users which we believe were affected. This will require you to reset your password upon attempting to log into each site separately to regain access to your account. To do so, please refer to our website at this web site for detailed instructions and more information about this issue.
If the existing user name and password was used to access other online accounts, we highly recommend that you update those passwords as well.
We take the security of our user accounts very seriously and are investigating this issue further with Cryptic Studios. Please note that this was not an intrusion on our existing database, but one that occurred prior to our divestment of Cryptic Studios in July of 2011. Cryptic no longer manages Atari’s databases. Our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.
view post Posted: 8/5/2012, 08:59 login fallito? - Domande & Consigli
pare che abbiano violato i database
incollo qui l' e-mail che ho appena ricevuto

Atari recently learned of a potential security violation in connection with the unauthorized access to Cryptic Studios’ user databases that occurred in December 2010. At that time, Atari owned Cryptic and the intrusion may have affected users on Atari’s databases as well and, therefore, we are taking proactive measures to correct the issue. This includes notifying certain users who are registered on and (Test Drive Unlimited 2).
As a precaution, on and, we have reset all accounts for users which we believe were affected. This will require you to reset your password upon attempting to log into each site separately to regain access to your account. To do so, please refer to our website at this web site for detailed instructions and more information about this issue.
If the existing user name and password was used to access other online accounts, we highly recommend that you update those passwords as well.
We take the security of our user accounts very seriously and are investigating this issue further with Cryptic Studios. Please note that this was not an intrusion on our existing database, but one that occurred prior to our divestment of Cryptic Studios in July of 2011. Cryptic no longer manages Atari’s databases. Our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.
view post Posted: 2/5/2012, 11:04 1° Gran Premio Forum Community "Circuito di Ibiza" - Sfide e Tornei
ahahah vero ci starebbe pure una festa nel caso si riuscisse a farlo :asd:
view post Posted: 22/4/2012, 23:41 SUV Lamborghini - Automobili
se fanno una ferrari suv vado e mi faccio ricoverare per traumi psichedelici :asd: e li denuncio
view post Posted: 20/4/2012, 19:41 TDU Official Club Italia ( la bacheca verrà aggiornata periodicamente ) - Sfide e Tornei
be... ci siamo divertiti ieri :D forse voi un po più di me mentre mi prendavate da bersaglio ma in complesso ci siam ben divertiti ^^
view post Posted: 20/4/2012, 12:12 1° Gran Premio Forum Community "Circuito di Ibiza" - Sfide e Tornei
naaaaa non puoi arrabbiarti con chuck norris :D

comunque io spero di esserci ;)
view post Posted: 19/4/2012, 14:47 TDU Official Club Italia ( la bacheca verrà aggiornata periodicamente ) - Sfide e Tornei
per oggi la mia presenza è incerta..
al' 80% dovrei esserci al massimmo in ritardo non so di quanto :-\
2216 replies since 2/6/2010